Fall League 2024
Key Dates
September 30: League season begins
November 25 – December 1: Off-week in observance of Thanksgiving. This is a great week to make up any missed rounds!
December 17, 6:00pm-9:00pm: League Championship and player party
Registration Info
Registration is now open to all players!
All players must sign up individually and pay the registration fee of $225/player. During the registration process, you will be asked to indicate your team's name. Please have this decision made with your partner before registering.
Teams can sign up for all 3 indoor season leagues for $999! That's a savings of more than $100!
Fall League HandbookFormat
2-person teams | Match-Play | Handicapped | 2nd Ball Breaks the Tie
Week 1 – TPC Deere Run B9

Week 2 – Montecito Club F9

Week 3 – Muirfield Village (NEW) B9

Week 4 – Prairie Dunes B9

Week 5 – American Dunes F9

Week 6 – The Farms F9

Week 7 – Colonial CC B9

Week 8 – TPC Potomac F9

Week 9 –Twin Dolphin F9

Week 10 – Montecito Club B9